One Woman...In Search of the Ultimate Secret! Hot young newcomer Brooke plays Mandy, a young woman who gets sexually sidetracked while on a search for her real father. As soon as she encounters a few of the kinky people who run in her dad's crowd--like her stepmom (Alexis Malone) and her boy toy (Mick Blue)--Mandy knows she's going to have her hands (and other body parts) full! The closer she gets to her old man, the hotter the action becomes--as evidenced by Mandy's torrid "interview" with Tanya James, who proves worthless as an informant but invaluable in the sack! From an anally-obsessed biker slut (Jynx) to a safecracker with a thing for asscracks, Mandy puts together the clues that eventually lead her to dear ol' Dad--and the discovery that the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.