Toby Ross produced and directed (under the name Butch Detroit) The New Marines focusing on military men in uniform. Clint Werner films a cast of hung studs. Big-dicked "lover" Bill Marlowe joins Clint in fucking his other half, the pale and youthful Ricky; preppy Jason Proust, Douglas Wright, and Jason Butler share a three way; and Clint does a gorgeous, pretty German tourist, eating his ass and foreskin.
Dick-measuring by four humpy recruits prove gays have the bigger cocks; a four-man orgy features huge, eight-inch and nine-inch hard-ons, hearty blowjobs, and a stream of highly erotic, kinky sex talk.
A Japanese-American sergeant (Kim Lazaris) plugs a great-acting, blond sex-pig (Taz Action in a remarkable debut) between the bars of his cell; and a heterosexual shoves his face into ass for the first time (maybe).
New York Native called this video "a galvanizing tribute to unstoppable sexuality both in an out of uniform" with a cast that's a "juicy, spectacularly well-endowed... (Full Description)